U.K Set to Ban Nigerian students, others from bringing family over

The United Kingdom is set to ban Nigerian and other foreign students from bringing their families over, the Sun UK reports.

The new restrictions, which will be announced on Tuesday or Wednesday this week, will see all masters students and many other post grads banned from bringing family over.

According to the report, this comes as report show that net migration into the UK has rocketed to one million with Tory MPs asking the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, “to get a grip on the rocketing numbers.”

“There has been an explo$ion in the number of people coming to Britain piggybacking on their relative’s student visa.

Students brought 135,788 family members to Britain last year – nine times more than in 2019.

Last year, 59,053 Nigerian students brought over 60,923 relatives,” the report reads.

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