Atiku urges Muslims to pray for Nigeria, says ‘we are at crossroads’

Atiku Abubakar, presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), says Nigeria is “at a point of despondency and confusion”.

In a statement released on Thursday, Abubakar asked Muslims to pray for the country during the Ramadan period.

The former vice-president said Muslims should use the holy month to pursue peace and make sacrifices for people.

“As Muslims, we understand that the basic tenets of this holy month are about sacrifice and devotion in worship to God.

For us as Nigerians, this year’s Ramadan has come at a time when our dear country is at a crossroads,” the statement reads.

“For us as individuals and as a people, we are at a point of despondency and confusion. But the month of Ramadan has come to us as a blessing from the Almighty with an opportunity for us to wash away our worries, doubts, and hopelessness.

“It is quite clear that the essential principles of this holy month are what is needed to heal our wounds, both as individuals and as a country. First is the importance of sacrifice not just to our families and the people around us but to the cause of peace. And secondly, is the requirement of piety from us all in the worship of God.

“I, therefore, enjoin all Muslims in Nigeria and the world over to use the benefits of this holy month of Ramadan to seek spiritual guidance, as I wish us a happy Ramadan fasting. May God bless you all and count our sacrifices in this holy month as acts of worship.”

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