“Aviod urgent 2K girls” – Whitemoney advises men

The season 6 Big Brother reality show contest winner, Hazel Oyeke Onou, popularly known as Whitemoney, has dished out advice for his male fans.

During Whitemoney’s visit to media personality, Daddy Freeze, he spoke on those attacking him for saying no women is out of a man’s league when money is involved, and Daddy Freeze asked him to send a message to his fans.

Whitemoney said what ever you are doing, put God first, believe in him, trust the process, don’t be in a hurry to make it, there is always a process, you crawl, you walk and you run, everything you do do it diligently and and the key to every successful person is consistency, he said.


Whitemoney said another message he has for his fans is, “Avoid Urgent 2k girls”. He said women who always want to take and not give should be avoided.

Credit – Talkofnaija

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